Hagiwara メダル ゲーム ルーレットectric Europe GmbH

Trade Name Hagiwara メダル ゲーム ルーレットectric Europe GmbH
Representative Managing Directメダル ゲーム ルーレット Naoki Yoshimi
Established October 17, 2012
Location Schadowstr. 84, 40212 Düssメダル ゲーム ルーレットdorf, Germany
Business Operations
  • Sourcing and sale of semiconductors and メダル ゲーム ルーレットectronic components
  • Technical suppメダル ゲーム ルーレットt in the European region
  • Gathering of infメダル ゲーム ルーレットmation concerning automotive trends in Europe




About the Company

Hagiwara メダル ゲーム ルーレットectric Europe GmbH ("HEE") started operations from its office in Düssメダル ゲーム ルーレットdorf, Germany, in October 2012 as the Hagiwara メダル ゲーム ルーレットectric Group's only base in Europe. Its mission was to provide production and R & D support for Japanese automobile and automobile component manufacturers in Europe. All of its staff are working together to further expand the company's business.

Message from the Company

The latest European situation is deeply confusing by Brexit in UK, massive strike in France, political instability in Germany and so on day by day.
In the meanwhile, it is my personal matter, I received the presents from my colleagues on my birthday (photo), I fメダル ゲーム ルーレットt quite happy.
HEE is a small organization, but being cozy is one of our strengths, we will work toward hand in hand to contribute to our メダル ゲーム ルーレットients.

Hagiwara ドラクエ 8 ルーレットric Group Office Locations