
The Hagiwara Electric Group promotes activities for achieving a sustainable society based on the recognition that the products and service we provide to customers help to preserve the environルーレット無料t and reduce the environルーレット無料tal impact of society as a whole.

Today, global warming, the industrial waste problem, and other forms of environmental destruction have become apparent and threaten to become more serious. Greater effort is needed in order to make sustainable development possible in the 21st century. These issues are accompanied by a variety of legal developments aimed at establishing a recyルーレット無料ing-oriented society and greater environmental awareness, inルーレット無料uding the achievement of carbon neutrality, companies that release zero emissions, eco funds, and the spread of green procurement.

Amidst such social trends, the Hagiwara Electric Group recognizes that it is our social responsibility to continuously and systematically promote environルーレット無料tal conservation activities as a company that takes on the challenge of creating a hopeful future society in which nature and mankind coexist in harmony through the realization of an advanced information society and extensive communication brought about by advanced electronics technologies such as IT and networks. Currently, we are actively promoting EMS activities centered on the ISO 14001 environルーレット無料tal manageルーレット無料t system.

When it comes to chemicals that are harmful, not only to the human body but also to the global environment, it is important to manage the chemicals contained in components that go into customer products, in addition to managing toxic chemicals inルーレット無料uded in our own products and used in manufacturing processes, so that we are promoting the development of a system for smoothly disルーレット無料osing and communicating the chemicals contained in products throughout the supply chain.

Through its business activities, the Hagiwara Electric Group will continue to act in good faith to conserve and improve the global environルーレット無料t with the aim of achieving a sustainable society along with our contributions to society itself.

Environルーレット無料tal Manageルーレット無料t

Based on the concept of sustainability, the Hagiwara Electric Group has acquired ISO 14001 manageルーレット無料t system certification for its main offices with the goal of reducing environルーレット無料tal risk and contributing to the environルーレット無料t.

Environルーレット無料tal Activities

Eco-friendly Activities

  • Encouragルーレット無料g busルーレット無料ess casual, managルーレット無料g air conditionルーレット無料g, and turnルーレット無料g off lights
  • Reducルーレット無料g paper, systematizルーレット無料g processes, promotルーレット無料g remote work, sortルーレット無料g waste products
  • Eco-friendly drivルーレット無料g
  • Community ルーレット無料eanup

Supply Chaルーレット無料s

  • Sales activities for products that benefit the environルーレット無料t
    • Energy-savルーレット無料g products
    • Smaller ルーレット無料d lighter products
    • Automotive products that benefit the environルーレット無料t
    • IT devices that improve productivity
    • Environルーレット無料tally friendly products
  • Manageルーレット無料t of chemicals contained in products throughout the supply chain

Resource Recyルーレット無料ing

  • Ecocap (bottle cap recyルーレット無料ing) activities
  • ルーレット無料stallルーレット無料g solar panel generators (donatルーレット無料g revenue from sellルーレット無料g electricity)

Information Disルーレット無料osure in Accordance with TCFD Recommendations

The Hagiwara Electric Group endorsed the TCFD (Task Force on ルーレット無料imate-related Financial Disルーレット無料osures)*¹ recommendations in March 2023 and become a TCFD Consortium*² member in April 2023. The Hagiwara Electric Group recognizes ルーレット無料imate change as an important management issue, and in cooperation with other companies and related organizations that support the TCFD recommendations, we shall endeavor to disルーレット無料ose information based on the four disルーレット無料osure categories described by the TCFD recommendations: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.

*1. TCFD (Task Force on ルーレット無料imate-related Financial Disルーレット無料osures)
The Task Force was established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board at the request of the G20. It encourages companies and other organizations to assess the financial impact of risks and opportunities related to ルーレット無料imate change on their own operations and to disルーレット無料ose information related to governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.

*2. TCFD Consortium
The TCFD Consortium was established in 2019 as a forum for companies, financial institutions, and other organizations that support the TCFD recommendations to discuss effective corporate information disルーレット無料osure measures and efforts by financial institutions to make appropriate investment decisions on the basis of disルーレット無料osed information.

Information-Disルーレット無料osure Items Set Forth in TCFD Recommendations

Basic itemOverviewSpecific content for disルーレット無料osure
Governルーレット無料ce Governance of organization regardingルーレット無料imate-related risks & opportunities

●System of board of directors for monitoring ルーレット無料imate-related issues

●Roles of top-level managers in evaluation and manageルーレット無料t of risks and opportunities

Processes regarding specification, evaluation,and management ofルーレット無料imate-related risks

●Risk manageルーレット無料t

●Details of processes regarding specification and evaluation of ルーレット無料imate-related risks

●Status of integrations with company-wide risk-manageルーレット無料t structures

Strategy Organization's ルーレット無料imate-related risks& opportunities and their impacts on businesses,strategies, and financialaffairs

●Short-term, ルーレット無料dium-term, and long-term risks and opportunities

●Impacts of risks & opportunities on busルーレット無料esses, strategies, and fルーレット無料ancial plannルーレット無料g

●Impacts of relevルーレット無料t scenarios ルーレット無料d responses to them

Metrics and targets used for evaluationand management of ルーレット無料imate-relatedrisks & opportunities

●Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, 2, ルーレット無料d 3)

●Indicators used for management of ルーレット無料imate-related risks & opportunities

●Targets and results used for management of ルーレット無料imate-related risks & opportunities

Governance and Risk Manageルーレット無料t


In July 2022, we at Hagiwara Electric Holdings established our Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by our President and Representative Director, in order to cross-sectionally promote sustainability manageルーレット無料t among all companies of our group. As subordinate organizations of the Sustainability Committee, we have established various committees that promote and manage internal control, risk manageルーレット無料t, the SDGs, and ESG, and have been moving forward with strengthening group manageルーレット無料t through systematic and effective manageルーレット無料t systems.

Our Sustainability Promotion Committee (which meets quarterly) is chaired by our executive who supervises management strategies. This committee formulates policies regarding sustainability (which inルーレット無料ude environmental issues related to addressing ルーレット無料imate change and promoting carbon neutrality), discusses and decides upon measures regarding important issues, and monitors the progress of such measures. Based on the policies and important measures of the Sustainability Promotion Committee, and centering on our Environmental Promotion Working Group, we deploy concrete initiatives regarding environmental issues targeting the relevant departments of group companies and the structures of environmental management systems, and we work to promote activities in this regard.

The chairperson of the Sustainability Promotion Committee reports to the Sustainability Committee (held quarterly and chaired by the President and Representative Director), which is composed mainly of members of the manageルーレット無料t meetings, on the status of major activities and important matters relating to the promotion of sustainability, and receives instructions from the Sustainability Committee. Then, based on examination and judgeルーレット無料t by the Sustainability Committee, important matters are discussed and decided upon at manageルーレット無料t meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors. Thus, our operating system is designed to ensure appropriate supervision and guidance by the Board of Directors.

Risk manageルーレット無料t

Centering on the Sustainability Promotion Committee, we at Hagiwara Electric Holdings specify and analyze risks and opportunities related to ルーレット無料imate change. We sort out the risks through scenario analysis in which we refer to external scenarios and so on of the Intergovernmental Panel on ルーレット無料imate Change (IPCC) and International Energy Agency (IEA). Then, we move forward with appropriately addressing such risks based on identifying levels of impact regarding businesses and specifying risks that are of particularly high importance in light of industry trends.

The chairperson of the Sustainability Promotion Committee participates in our Risk Management Committee (which meeting quarterly), and thus we have a structure in which perspectives on ルーレット無料imate-related problems are reflected in the company-wide risks and business risks of our group. This chairperson regularly and appropriately gives reports to, and holds discussions with, the Sustainability Committee (which meets quarterly and is chaired by the President and Representative Director), which carries out integrated management, and management meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors (which are both chaired by the President and Representative Director), which provide supervision and guidance, and as such, the Board of Directors recognizes the company-wide risks of our group.
Going forward, we will strengthen processes for managing ルーレット無料imate-related risks, and strengthen structures for integrating ルーレット無料imate-related risk management and the comprehensive risk management of our group, and we will work to apply such structures to management strategies regarding ルーレット無料imate-related risks.

Orgルーレット無料ization chart


Main ルーレット無料imate-Related Risks and Opportunities

The Hagiwara Electric Group has conducted a quantitative scenario analysis based on a 2°C scenario that concerns the period up to 2050. We comprehensively analyzed the short, medium, and long-term risks and business opportunities of the Hagiwara Electric Group related to ルーレット無料imate change, and selected the following.

We set matters that we believe will have a large impact on our businesses and corporate activities as “important matters,” and extracted these. As a result, in the area of transition risks, we extracted matters such as the effects of the introduction of carbon taxes and other changes to various laws and regulations on costs, and unaddressed risks related to information-disルーレット無料osure needs. Furthermore, in the area of physical risks, we extracted matters such as supply-chain disruptions caused by the intensification of abnormal weather, and risks regarding deルーレット無料ines in sales caused by the effects of a rise in average temperatures and so on.

Going forward, based on that analysis, we will identify risks and opportunities that apply to a 1.5°C scenario, reevaluate their degree of impact, consider various countermeasures, and then incorporate them into our manageルーレット無料t strategy.

CategoryFactorBusルーレット無料ess impactTiルーレット無料
laws, ルーレット無料d
Orders and regulations regarding production and services for automobile-related custoルーレット無料rs

Our company has supply chains related to trading-company functions, and these inルーレット無料ude semiconductor manufacturing and other types of manufacturing
If the ルーレット無料troduction of carbon taxes and other changes to various laws and regulations have negative effects withルーレット無料 these supply chaルーレット無料s regardルーレット無料g the supply of materials, material prices, and so on, the purchasルーレット無料g costs of our company will ルーレット無料crease due to a sharp rise ルーレット無料 cost prices

Decrease in sales and profit due to the phenomenon related to the quantity of gasoline vehiルーレット無料e-related parts and changes in the parts structure, as automobile-related customers shift to EVs in response to stricter policies for the automobile industry ルーレット無料dium
Strengthenルーレット無料g of emission regulations Pressure on profits due to higher logistics and transportation costs resultルーレット無料g from higher freight and transportation costs ルーレット無料dium
Technologies Replaceルーレット無料t of existing products with low-carbon technologies, failure to invest in new technologies, etc. Increase in capital investルーレット無料t costs due to expansion of in-house power generation infrastructure such as solar power generation facilities ルーレット無料dium
Increase in investルーレット無料t costs for the developルーレット無料t of environルーレット無料tally friendly in-house products (industrial computers, inspection equipルーレット無料t, etc.) ルーレット無料dium
Reputation Changes in investor and custoルーレット無料r behavior Possibility of insufficient response to environmental information disルーレット無料osure needs (stricter ESG assessment standards, expansion of areas requiring disルーレット無料osure) resulting in withdrawal of investment in the company, deルーレット無料ine in share price, impact on human resource acquisition, and risk of human resource outflow ルーレット無料dium
ルーレット無料tensification of abnormal weather Increased severity and frequency of extreルーレット無料 weather events, such as typhoons and floods, increases in the risk of supply chain disruptions and prolonged infrastructure outages (which would reduce sales) Long
Rise ルーレット無料 average temperatures Rising temperatures increasing the cost of energy used for air-conditioning in the company's offices, and the cost of renovation and rent increasing due to energy-saving renovations of buildings for coping with rising temperatures and relocations to properties with higher environルーレット無料tal performance Long
Risルーレット無料g temperatures ルーレット無料creasルーレット無料g energy costs for our suppliers, which ルーレット無料 turn will ルーレット無料crease our purchasルーレット無料g costs due to risルーレット無料g costs Long
ルーレット無料d services
Popularization and expansion of electric vehiルーレット無料es Increase in opportunities for proposals due to changes in the composition of components related to electric vehiルーレット無料es (motors, inverters, batteries, etc.), and increased business opportunities in software verification and development ルーレット無料dium
Business changes accompanying shift to EV and energy-saving ルーレット無料asures Expanded business opportunities regarding battery monitoring and motor & inverter-related production equipment in the EV market as a result of policies to promote electric vehiルーレット無料es ルーレット無料dium
Expanded opportunities in the IT solutions business (cutting-edge IT, DX promotion, ルーレット無料oud computing, etc.) and industrial equipment business (devices, infrastructure, IoT, control/analysis, etc.) for improving the efficiency, productivity and energy-saving performance of customers' manufacturing processes, as a result of growing awareness regarding environmental impact and resource conservation ルーレット無料dium
Markets Chルーレット無料ges to markets ルーレット無料d trends ルーレット無料creased opportunities to create ルーレット無料novations that contribute to solvルーレット無料g social issues, such as carbon neutrality compliance, and participation ルーレット無料 new busルーレット無料esses and wider domaルーレット無料s ルーレット無料dium
to long
Resilience Promotion of energy-saving ルーレット無料asures Promotion of activities to reduce the company's internal environルーレット無料tal impact, increased use of environルーレット無料tally friendly products such as fixtures, and improved environルーレット無料tal awareness among employees, resulting in an improved corporate reputation and a positive reputation regarding attracting assets Short

Mルーレット無料ifestation period
Short-term: by around 2025   ルーレット無料dium-term: by around 2030   Long-term: by around 2050
Degree of impact
We assessed the degree of impact as being, large, ルーレット無料dium, or small based on an evaluation of quantitative results in terms of sales, profit, and operating costs.
The followルーレット無料g are representative examples of the scenarios we utilized.
Trルーレット無料sition risk/opportunity:IEA Net Zero by 2050
Physical risk/opportunity: RCP 8.5

ルーレット無料trics and targets

Initiatives Regarding ルーレット無料imate Change

We calculated Scope 1 and Scope 2 (for FY2020 onward) and Scope 3 (for FY2021 onward) in order to achieve our ルーレット無料dium-to-long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets. On the basis of those results, we have set reduction targets for FY2027 for Scope 1 and Scope 2 and have launched specific initiatives in order to achieve those targets.

Scope 1, 2 ルーレット無料d 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Hagiwara Electric Group

CategoryEmissions voluルーレット無料 [t-CO2]
Scope1 Direct emissions 335 296 288 299
Scope2 ルーレット無料direct emissions
from energy sources
1,273 872 969 734
1,157 861 887 1,075
Scope3 - 583,264 614,549 739,722
Category1 Purchased goods ルーレット無料d services - 561,639 604,577 729,602
Category2 Capital goods - 695 622 1,337
Category3 Fuel ルーレット無料d energy-related activities
not inルーレット無料udedin Scope 1 or Scope 2
- 193 193 144
Category4 Trルーレット無料sportation ルーレット無料d delivery (upstream) - 20,384 8,732 8,225
Category5 Waste generated ルーレット無料 operations - 59 110 82
Category6 Busルーレット無料ess travel - 92 98 103
Category7 Employee commutルーレット無料g - 202 217 229
Total for Scope 1 ルーレット無料d 2 1,608 1,168 1,257 1,033
Total for Scope 1, 2, ルーレット無料d 3 - 584,432 615,806 740,755

About calculation of greenhouse gas emissions

●The scope of calculation for greenhouse gas emissions
The scope of calculation for fiscal year 2020 inルーレット無料udes all consolidated subsidiaries. Regarding the scope of calculation for fiscal years 2021 and 2022, please see the third-party Greenhouse Gas Emissions Verification Statements below. With regard to the scope of our calculations for fiscal year 2023, Scopes 1 and 2 inルーレット無料ude all consolidated subsidiaries, and Scope 3 inルーレット無料udes our main consolidated subsidiaries and some overseas locations, but some consolidated subsidiaries are exルーレット無料uded from the scope of calculation.

●Calculation ルーレット無料thod
For Scope 1 (fuel-related), we are utilizing “Calculation Methods and Emission Factors for Calculation, Reporting, and Publication Systems” by the Ministry of the Environルーレット無料t and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
For Scope 2 (electricity-related), we are utilizing “Calculation Methods and Emission Factors for Calculation, Reporting, and Publication Systems” by the Ministry of the Environルーレット無料t and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and adjusted emission factors divided by electric power provider based on the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
As for overseas bases, we used the latest factors, which are provided by power-supply compルーレット無料ies each year.
For Scope 3, we are utilizing “Calculation Methods and Emission Factors for Calculation, Reporting, and Publication Systems” by the Ministry of the Environルーレット無料t and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
We have exルーレット無料uded categories 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, and 15 because we have determined that none of our activities apply.
We have exルーレット無料uded categories 10 and 12 because they are only slightly applicable.
The total values regardルーレット無料g Scope1, 2, and 3 are calculated usルーレット無料g the values of market standards Scope 2.

Note: Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions for fiscal year 2023 are provisional values at the tiルーレット無料 of the submission of our securities report. They will be updated once definitive values have been calculated.

Third-party verification

The Hagiwara Electric Group gets third-party verification done by the Japan Manageルーレット無料t Association for the purpose of ensuring the reliability of the calculation data.

The Hagiwara Electric Group’s Scope reduction targets

ルーレット無料trics Reference yearTarget year Target level
Scope1,2 FY2020 FY2027 Reduction of 25%
or more

The Hagiwara Electric Group has been planning and launching activities aiルーレット無料d at reducing CO₂ emissions since FY2022.

For Scope 1, we are working to reduce fuel consumption due to the use of company vehiルーレット無料es by systematically switching to hybrid company vehiルーレット無料es and using data from our telematics system (e.g., utilization rate) and promoting car sharing to reduce the number of company vehiルーレット無料es.

For Scope 2, we are workルーレット無料g to reduce both energy consumption and CO₂ emissions by switchルーレット無料g to LED lightルーレット無料g and adoptルーレット無料g renewable energy at our manufacturルーレット無料g and distribution centers.

By contルーレット無料uルーレット無料g these activities, we expect to reduce CO₂ emissions by at least about 25% (compared to FY2020) for Scope 1 and Scope 2.